Childhood obesity may be caused by certain medical conditions, but these are very rare. They include hormone or other chemical imbalances and inherited disorders of metabolism. Like hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, depression and certain neurological problems that can guide to overeating. Certain medications can cause weight gain by altering how the body processes food or stores fat. Such as; steroids and some antidepressants may cause weight gain.A physician can tell whether there are underlying medical conditions that are causing (see childhood obesity causes) weight gain or making weight loss difficult. Obesity in children can complicate the treatment and management of diabetes and can even lead to the body developing a resistance to insulin. Obese children may have greater difficulty with high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, orthopedic problems, sleeping habits, as well as self-esteem and peer relationships (see childhood obesity effects). Obese children have also known to display symptoms of attention deficit disorder.
Socioeconomic factors / Socioeconomic status causing obesity in children
Children from low family incomes and non-working parents (see childhood obesity & parents) are at higher risk of becoming obese. This is a result of several factors that influence behaviors and activities. Poverty and obesity often go side by side because low-income parents may lack the time and funds to make healthy eating and exercise (see childhood obesity & exercise) a family priority. Lower-income children cannot always afford to partake in extra curricular activities, resulting in a decrease in physical activity (see childhood obesity & physical activity). In addition, families who struggle to pay bills and make a living often option for convenience foods (see childhood obesity & food), and fast foods (see childhood obesity fast food) which are higher in calories, fat and sugar. Some factors are over-exposure to advertising (see childhood obesity advertising) of foods that promote high-calorie foods and lack of recreational facilities. Educational levels also contribute to the socioeconomic issue associated with childhood obesity. Parents with little to no education have not been exposed to information about proper nutrition (see childhood obesity & nutrition) and healthy food choices. This makes it difficult to instill those important values in their children.
Psychological factors
Some studies say that about 10% of people that are mildly obese were caused by psychological or stress problems. Psychological factors also contribute to child obesity and other issues like such as stress, feeling anxious, boredom, sadness or anger. These factors influence child's eating habits and many children are prone to eating in response to negative emotions. May be their parents have same habit.
Each child has to compete with different factors in their lives. The causes of child obesity are can also be viewed as being weak, a lack of willpower or a lifestyle choice of overeating and not exercising enough.
Body Image
Obesity in children or adolescent may also be encouraged by a distorted body image, due to peer pressure, parental influence - including attitude of parents to weight loss and dieting (see childhood obesity & diet).
Tips for parents ► What can you do as a parent or guardian or caregiver to help preventing childhood obesity? We have some ideas in our Childhood Obesity Prevention section. |
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